I was able to join in the 2nd Annual Challenge of Color. (You can find my entry here.) I had so much fun that when Erin announced the 3rd Annual Challenge of Color, I jumped right in.
This time around, Erin teamed with Brandi Hussey from Brandi Girl. Together, Erin and Brandi selected 40 images from the Earth as Art image gallery. Brandi, talented as she is, created color palettes from those images.
The Earth as Art images were taken by Landsat 7, a satellite designed to collect information about the Earth. The Landsat 7 does not capture images in the same way we would see them. Instead, the satellite takes a multispectral image, which records data across an electromagnetic spectrum. In other words, Landsat 7 looks at light and radiation to see a different picture of the Earth, a picture that helps scientists understand more about our environment.
I had never seen Earth as Art before this challenge and I found myself spending hours browsing the galleries. I highly suggest you take a look as well. (Or, you can just hop around to see some beautiful images and jewelry created by my fellow challengers.)
Erin sent each person two palette and allowed us to choose which one we would like. I couldn't help it. I loved both images and opted for both.
This is the first image Erin sent to me:
The image is Campeche, a Mexican state comprised of rain forests and a bit of savanna. Campeche is also the home of a many Mayan ruins.
The lush vegetation of the rain forests appear red on the image. The savanna (I think) appears brown.
I love the red and turqoise together with just a hint of brown and green. This is not a palette I normally work with, but I loved the image and I wanted a challenge. As luck would have it, while browsing on etsy, I found the perfect focal bead from Atlantis Glass Beads.
It looks awesome with these glass beads.
I had brown leather that matched the brown in the palette.
My bracelet is inspired by Mary Jane Dodd's "Awakening Lotus" bracelet, which can be found in Bohemian Inspired Jewelry by Lorelei Eurto and Erin Siegel. (By the way, if you haven't picked up this book yet, put it on your Christmas list -- it's fabulous.)
Mary Jane used waxed linen in her bracelet. I didn't have any on hand, so I used seed beads. I created a small spiral rope on either side of the coordinating beads.
On the other side, a peyote spiral highlights leather cording.
Of course, the turquoise is missing from my bracelet. While I'm sad to have left out such a gorgeous color (and one that brings such beauty to the image), I love the darker green and brown with the dark blue.
This is my second image:
This picture is an Iraqi emplacement, an area, that according to Sky Image Lab, is "a former wetland that is now a staging area for military exercises."
I was taken with this palette when I first saw it. I love purple and green together (who doesn't?), but it would not have occurred to me to add blue to the mix.
While at the bead store, I found the perfect Czech glass beads. They have the perfect shades of purple and green and even a shimmer of light blue. I decided to pair these with Swarovski crystals and bronze pearls.
I wanted to make a pendant worthy of this palette. I immediately thought of Sabine Lippert's Granada pendant. Luckily, I had everything I needed in my stash and it only took a short time to find the right colors.
Sabine is a gifted designer and beader. The Granada pendant is available in Sabine's book, Beaded Fantasies. You can also find wonderful designs in her website or etsy shop.
A spiral chain was the perfect compliment (and a good amount of "bling").
I *love* the finished piece.
Erin and Brandi, thank you so much for a wonderful challenge. I love playing with color and these palettes were fabulous.
If you have time, please take a look to see what the rest of the participants did with their palettes.
Erin Prais-Hintz http://treasures-found.blogspot.com/2012/11/color-full-world-welcome-to-3rd-annual.html
Rebecca Anderson http://songbeads.blogspot.com
Kris Auderer http://strandedinthecity.wordpress.com
Chrizette Bayman http://beadsoupmix.blogspot.com
Lori Bowring Michaud http://artfullyornamental.blogspot.com
Courtney Breul http://beadsbybreul.blogspot.com/
Lynsey Brooks http://yellowunicorncreations.blogspot.co.uk
Stephanie Buss http://maxandlucie.blogspot.com
Iveth Caruso http://www.creativeatelier.net/
Shannon Chomanczuk http://www.formysweetdaughter.blogspot.com
Lisa Cone http://inspiredadornments.blogspot.com/
Cece Cormier http://thebeadingyogini.com
Lori Dorrington http://lorisglassworks.blogspot.com
Dawn Doucette http://designsbydawnmarie.blogspot.com
Jeannie Dukic http://site.jkdjewelry.com/blog/
Kim Dworak http://cianciblue.blogspot.com/
Beth Emery http://storiesbyindigoheart.blogspot.com
Janice Everett http://JLynnJewels.blogspot.com
Pam Farren http://www.re-maker.blogspot.com
Donetta Farrington http://simplygorgeous-donetta.blogspot.com
Gloria Ferrer http://judetaama.blogspot.com.es/
Cherrie Fick http://designsinthelight.co
Therese Frank http://www.theresestreasures59.blogspot.com
Patty Gasparino http://www.mylifeunderthebus.typepad.com
Tanya Goodwin http://pixiloo.blogspot.com/2012/11/3rd-annual-challenge-of-color.html - you are here
Jess Green http://tabbiekoshka.blogspot.co.uk/
Denielle Hagerman http://somebeadsandotherthings.com
Mary Harding www.maryhardingjewelrybeadblog.blogspot.com
Karla Hartzog http://www.karlakrafts.com
Kim Hora http://www.kimmykats.com
Brandi Hussey http://brandigirlblog.com
Emanda Johnson http://ArtemisiaStudio.blogspot.com
Jennifer Justman http://soulsfiredesigns.blogspot.com/
Sue Kennedy http://suebeads.blogspot.com
Ema Kilroy http://emakaye.blogspot.com
Lee Koopman http://Stregajewellry.wordpress.com
Linda Landig http://www.LindasBeadBlog.com
Kirsi Luostarinen http://kirsiluokorut.blogspot.com
Cynthia Machata http://antiquitytravelers.blogspot.com/
Alicia Marinache http://www.allprettythings.ca
Beth McCord http://www.ebbeadandmetalworks.blogspot.com
Mary K McGraw http://mkaymac.blogspot.com/
Karen Mitchell http://www.overthemoon-design.com
Cheri Mitchell-Reed http://creativedesignsbycheri.blogspot.com/
Aimee Moisa http://threecatsdancing.blogspot.com
Karla Morgan http://www.texaspepperjams.blogspot.com
Penny Neville http://copperpennydesigns.blogspot.com
Becky Pancake http://beckypancakebeaddesigns.blogspot.com
Kashmira Patel http://sadafulee.blogspot.com
Alice Peterson http://alice-dreaming.blogspot.com
Kayla Potega http://www.teejewelry.blogspot.com
Debbie Price http://greenshoot.blogspot.co.uk
Bobbie Rafferty http://beadsong.blogspot.com
Caron Reid http://caronmichelle.blogspot.com.au/
Nicole Rennell http://nicolerennell.com/blog
Andrea Ross http://silvermapledesigns.blogspot.com/
Sally Russick http://thestudiosublime.com
Annie Scherz http://www.studioluma.ca
Pam Sears http://crazycreativecorner.blogspot.com/
Renetha Stanziano http://lamplightcrafts.blogspot.com
Sandra Stein http://sannipanni.wordpress.com
Kristen Stevens http://kristen-beadjourney.blogspot.com
Tracy Stillman http://www.tracystillmandesigns.com
Lola Survillo http://www.beadlolabead.blogspot.com
Kay Thomerson http://KayzKreationz.blogspot.com
Emma Todd http://www.apolymerpenchant.com
Cory Tompkins http://www.tealwaterdesigns.blogspot.com
Pam Traub http://www.klassyjoolz.blogspot.com
Melissa Trudinger http://beadrecipes.wordpress.com
Michelle Tucker http://michellescreativemusings.blogspot.com/
Shelley Graham Turner http://www.shelleygrahamturner.blogspot.com
Monique Urquhart http://ahalfbakednotion.blogspot.com/
Rachel Van-Walsk http://balancedcrafts.com/blog
Patti Vanderbloemen http://www.myaddictionshandcrafted.blogspot.com
Lesley Watt http://thegossipinggoddess.blogspot.com
Joan Williams http://www.lilrubyjewelry.com